Articles | Web Hosting Demystified

PHP, MySQL and ASP.NET in Web Hosting

By : Arundhati  Added : 04 Dec 2009  Hits : 2426   Comments (0)
What exactly are ASP.NET web hosting, PHP web hosting and MySQL web hosting? Let us delve further into these terms... Read More..
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The Truth Behind Unlimited Web Hosting

By : Arundhati  Added : 18 Dec 2007  Hits : 3985   Comments (0)
There are some words that always sound compelling and most of us do not feel the need of delving into the depths of these terms. In web hosting, such terms would include “unlimited” and “free” at the foremost. “Unlimited Web Hosting”, sounds alluring. But unlimited what? Read More..
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Web Hosting Reseller

By : Arundhati  Added : 14 Dec 2007  Hits : 3815   Comments (0)
A web hosting reseller is the middleman selling web space on someone else’s server. In other words, a reseller purchases web space in bulk from a hosting company and then sells them again to his customer in chunks, earning profit for himself. Read More..
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