Articles | Domain Names

Why you should have your own domain name

By : Arundhati  Added : 04 Dec 2009  Hits : 4837   Comments (0)
If you are a student, or creating a website only for your craze of a hobby, than definitely the free web hosts are a better option as there is no point of spending so much on your domain name. But if you are an artist, a designer or a craftsman, than may be you won’t want yourself to be seen with a free web host! And if its for your own business, however small, you definitely don't want to be seen on a free hosting site with the irritating pop-up ads. Read More..
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Grabbing the Right Domain Name

By : Arundhati  Added : 14 Dec 2007  Hits : 3920   Comments (0)
Bagging the correct domain name is an important point of consideration for any type of online business. A correct domain name which well suits your business perspective can allure a high percentage of customers to your site and a wrong one can decrease the trafficking confusing them to a great extent. Read More..
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