Noahs Classifieds
Main features
- Describing categories and subcategories in unlimited depth.
- Uploading images for the advertisements and the categories.
- Describing variable fields for the advertisements per categories.
- Customizable email notifications.
Detailed features
- Restricting a category from submitting any more ads,
- Defining variable fields for the advertisements per categories:
- Supporting field types such as text, textarea, boolean, checkbox and selection list
- Specifying the default values of the fields
- Possibility to activate, or deactivate a field
- Deciding whether a field is mandatory, searchable, object of bad word replacement, can be kept private by the owner, and controlling its appearance in the ad lists
- Creating sections of the variable fields by specifying custom separator lines
- Accepting and rejecting ads, or let them appear immediately - handling the list of accepted and pending ads.
- The admin gets email notifications about the new ads, the user get emails about the acceptance or rejection of their ads
- Notification management: all the emails sent by the system are customizable - the admin can change their text, or disable them completely
- Bad word replacement
- The admin has full control over a lot of system property such as the ad expiration time, size and dimension limit on the uploaded images, thumbnail dimensions, and many more.
- Control the the apperance by specifying custom header and footer templates, or changing the stylesheet.
- Viewing and handling the list of users
User functions:
- Modify, submit and delete ads,
- Uploading images - thumbnails will be generated automatically,
- Browsing 'my ads'
- Browsing the list of recent, or most popular ads
- Modify user profile
- Extending expiration date
- Search in the classifieds database: simple search and category specific advanced search
- Reply to an ad, or sending it to a friend