Help Center Live

Current Feature Set of Help Center Live:
- Very fast. HCL tends to be faster then many other Live Help systems due to it's "slim and trim" philosophy.
- CoBrowse/Co-Forms allows you to see what the user is doing, while they are doing it.
- Unlimited Departments
- Remote operation, no need for multiple scripts for multiple sites
- Unlimited Operators
- Hot Pages alert you to traffic in particular areas of your website.
- Themeable using the Smarty template system.
- Visitor Statistics
- Transcripts let you monitor operator performance
- Referrer Statistics
- Module System allows virtually limitless expansion capabilities.
Upcoming Feature Set of Help Center Live version 3.0.0:
- New plug-in system allowing the override of internal HCL functionality and also allows system to upgrade only what is needed.
- More slim and trim.
- Systems could be self upgradeable with the newer versions of HCL.
- Much simpler installation.
- A more flexible module system.
- A module system allowing integration with nearly any other product.
- New hclAPP allowing both the core features and module features.