
Linux web hosting with Free Images Galleries 

A free, open source, photo management system, Gallery is a web based photo album organizer. Licensed under GPL, Gallery blends photo management easily and evenly with your website, be it a small personal site or a large community site.

Gallery is a sort of collection of photo albums which makes managing photos an easy task. Managing the photos in Gallery include image resizing, automatic thumbnail creation, ordering, captioning, rotation and lots more.

A collection of photo albums, you can keep as many Galleries on your web server as you want, with each Gallery containing as many photo albums as you need. Configuration and administration of Gallery and the photo albums is done through an intuitive, web interface. Available in over 30 languages, Gallery works with several different image processing toolkits.

Gallery Requirements:
  • Platform – Windows or UNIX.
  • Webserver – Apache, Microsoft IIS, Zeus, etc.
  • PHP – Version 4 or above with PHP safe_mode turned off.
  • Database – Preferably MySQL.
  • Image Processing Library – ImageMagick or NetPBM or GD or GraphicsMagick.

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